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its me...

Saturday, April 3, 2010


today i meet someone who is special to dak2 smk perempuan air panas.... saye jmpe dye kt kantin skola smk taman seri rampai.. n dsitu la bermulanya sebuah cerita.....

i think she doesn't know me.. but its not like me expect, she tego2 me... i'm so, so, so and so shocked.. but in that time i ushar2 her body KEMBANG kot... hehehe... the person that i mean is CEK SITI WAN KEMBANG!!! so funny when i know that the teacher teach that school.. haha.. if u all want to know the teacher mouth is very kurang ajr.. she call we all with sesuka ati saja.. so, bg i.. mmg ptut that teacher transfer to that school.. bia die tau, org bt die cm mane dgn mlut die tu...

1 ulasan:

nabilah_ira said...

must read this post