? ??????????????Purple Whisp? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (451 Ratings)??5584 Grabs Today. 69708 Total Grabs.
??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Live Forever? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.6 (16 Ratings)??4943 Grabs Today. 29647 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????Dark BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

its me...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

this is my fwen.. u cn kol aen/surianadilah/che or whatever la.. aslkn xmelapau k... hmmm... nk cter ckit nie...

aku nie byk la jgk menyusahkn dye.. tmpang kete mk dye, swoh dye btkn aku nyerw ms.. n mcm2 la... aku bertrime ksh n dye.. dyer mmg baek arh bg aku..
n dye tau smue mslh aku.. opppsss.. jgn tyer dye lak eh aperw mslh aku... huhuhu...
aku sker kwn dgn dye.. wlaupn dye agk short SEDIKIT.. tp dye cool kowt...
kpd che nur ain.. jgn mara erk??? heheheheheh.....

dye sker mkn nasi aym, minum teh o ais...
cite2 nk jd doktor spaye klau aku g klinik dye nnt FREE jerw..
hobi dye lak... membce novel n MENYANYI...
ciri PAKWE dye nk.. baek, ensem xkash.. tp nk la yg ensem.. then pndai jge aty dye, n pling inportant xsker pkse2 org.. soo sesiapa yg BERMINAT blhla HUBUNGI saye di 012578599... heheeha...

sekian tq..

aku igtkn dak poyo tu kt skola pn xlyn aku.. rpe2 nyer kt skola lyn.. pegeh da..!!! kt luar bt2 baek.. pdhal hati bsuk nk mampos..!! bjet hot jewp..

dye n sekutu2 dye sme jewp.. nmpk baek.. tp dlm aty cm smph...!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


today i meet someone who is special to dak2 smk perempuan air panas.... saye jmpe dye kt kantin skola smk taman seri rampai.. n dsitu la bermulanya sebuah cerita.....

i think she doesn't know me.. but its not like me expect, she tego2 me... i'm so, so, so and so shocked.. but in that time i ushar2 her body KEMBANG kot... hehehe... the person that i mean is CEK SITI WAN KEMBANG!!! so funny when i know that the teacher teach that school.. haha.. if u all want to know the teacher mouth is very kurang ajr.. she call we all with sesuka ati saja.. so, bg i.. mmg ptut that teacher transfer to that school.. bia die tau, org bt die cm mane dgn mlut die tu...

Friday, April 2, 2010

nk tau ark smlm??? igtkn nk anta msj kt shariena syazreen tp teranta kt minah yg bajet nie... bengang gler aku.. aku ckp bek2.. tp die bls cm bangang.. bodoh towl..!!! die igt die tu hot sgt la??? pegeh la lu!!! mkcik jual nsi lmak lg cntek drpd ko!! hrp jewp klas pndai akhlak lose...!!! jgn nk bjet cntek la wey klau prangai cm setan!!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

my profile

nma nurnabilah syahirah... korg blh pnggil ira/ila/along/nabilah/nab... up to u... nnt klau de pape crite psl saye.. saye akn gtau korg as soon as posibble k... ehehe...